1523 Elizabeth Ave., Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28204
Email: info@aairofcharlotte.com
Telephone: 704-910-1402 (ext. 300 for MedSpa)

-August 9, 2019
As the school year is about to begin, we are making school supply lists, cutting out coupons, and trying to buy our children the latest fashions…There are numerous articles, blogs, checklists that address ways to prepare our children for the upcoming school year. I would like to take a different approach and blog about stocking […]

-August 9, 2019
Sleep, we all need it but do we get enough? Sleep is an important part of our optimal health. Adult’s need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night and I bet many of you do not get do not come close to this. Not only do we need 7 to 9 hours of sleep […]

-August 9, 2019
Healthy…. Websters dictionary adjective- having good health; not sic or injured, showing good health Wikipedia does not have a definition for healthy. Only the noun Health- Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. I define healthy: maintaining a diet of wholesome, non processed foods. Void of sugars, additives, chemicals, […]