Combat Dust Allergy
When your stuffy nose and watery red eyes hang on indefinitely, it’s probably allergies. A dust allergy is set off by an allergen in the air and worsened by household chores like vacuuming, sweeping, or dusting. More severe reactions can include asthma-like symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
Dust allergies are caused by particles in the air you breathe that can come from pet dander, mold, the microscopic droppings of dust mites or cockroaches, and other factors. If you want to find out exactly what you are sensitive to, you can visit a Board Certified Allergist.

Treating your dust allergy will probably include several steps. Avoidance of the allergen is usually the most effective. The doctor may prescribe medications or allergen immunotherapy (allergy shots). Avoiding household allergens might require:
- Keeping humidity below 55%
- Removing wall-to-wall carpets
- Using a central vacuum and replace HEPA filter regularly
- Keeping pets out of bedrooms
- Using an air filter with a HEPA filter, especially in the bedroom
- Covering mattresses and pillows to keep dust mites out
- Washing bedding in hot water frequently
- Getting professional pest control regularly
- Installing filters in the furnace and AC unit; changing filters every three months